Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sardar Joke

Sardar Joke


Two  sardarjis  walked  toward  each other on a country road.
One carried a burlap  bag  over his shoulder. "Hey Bhai," first sardarji
drawled, "what's in  the  bag?"  Chickens,"  was the reply. "If I guess
how many, can I have one?" "You can have both of them." "OK," first
sardarji said. "Five."


There  is  a  large  group  of  surd  people in a bar and they
are having a celebration.  Another  man  walks into the bar and sees the
celebration and asks  why  all  the surd people are celebrating. One of
the surds says: "We had  just solved a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle within
six hours." The man says:
    "I  am sorry do not see what the big deal is. The surd replies:
"On the box it says 'from 3 to 5 years'."

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