Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Some Suggestions

1.   Hard Work.
     This is essential.
     Nothing is a piece of cake and only hard work can get you anywhere.

2.   Diligence towards your studies.
     Be patient, because you will never be a topper on your first try.
     Even in my prelims I stood third and I espected to do well in my
     boards, but not top it.
3.   Paying attention in class is very important.
     Your teacher knows best, because she's been teaching the same subject
     for years and her knowledge and experience is far superior that any
     Tutions hardly help.
4.   Presentation matters.
     Good hand writing, paragraphing, perfect punctuation and neat diagrams
     are essential, because they let the examinar know you have it all.
5.   Stude regularly.
     You should start studying from day one.
     Attend all your tests and prepare well for them.
     You should be able to excel in suprise tests too.
     Don't study till you drop.

6.   Quality studying.
     There's no such thing as studying for a specific amount of hours each
     You could study for ten hours, with little registering.
     It all depends on what you study and how you study.
     I used to study three to four hours a day, with several breaks in
     between and that was enough.

 7.  Be calm.
     It's important to be completely calm and relaxed during your exams.
     If you study regularly, you will not feel the pressure towards the
     start of your exams.
     Take evening walks, visit the tample, involve yourself with nature,
     listen to music, do what ever it takes to keep yourself calm,but do it.

 8.  Though I study alone, if you study with friends you can gain a lot.
     Every person will have an input, which can help you with your studies.

 9.  Never discuss any questions just before a paper.
     When you reach your exam hall, Be By Yourself.
     Don't touch your books when there's half an hour left for your paper
     and entertain no questions.
     Any off-beat question which may not be relevant could rattle your
     mindset, so prevent it from happening.

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